Much of our work incorporates mantras, inspired by a word, thought, idea or emotion.  We can custom write mantras for you, too. 

Since writing is often allowing energy to flow from the universe, we believe the words that come are meant to be on your rock, canvas, or other creation.

Give us a word, theme, goal, or life event to inspire your customized mantra.



I have learned that the truest compass is not the one I was handed, but the one I was born with. 

It does not spin from the voices of others, but moves to the rhythm of my breathing; it is not fixed on an expected direction, but leads me to the places I must discover.

Farmland Lessons

The rawness of the broken earth in spring... or the churning sky after a storm

returns me to parts of my soul that are in constant renewal:




This impermanence is my gift, constantly birthing what is right. 


An early morning sky.

The roundness of a harvest moon.

Smell of the wet worldafter the rain.

Eternal gifts of wonderment.